Molecular Biologist, Dr Marco Ruggiero, MD. Ph.D., whilst working at the National Cancer Institute of the NIH in Maryland, worked on Macrophage Stimulating Factor (CSF-1) and human cancer from 1990, which is four years before Dr Yamamoto coined the acronym GcMAF. (Pierce JH, 1990 Aug, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 5613–5617)

Rerum® was conceived in 2015 by the same Dr Marco Ruggiero. Rerum® was superior to GcMAF in that it was nanosized and more stable (kept better) than GcMAF.

imuno® for superior immune support was conceived in 2018 by the same Dr Marco Ruggiero.

What is GcMAF?

Go to GcMAF Science
Gc protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) is a carrier protein extracted from human blood. Gc protein binds chondroitin sulfate on the cell surface and such an interaction may occur also in blood, colostrum and milk. The resulting multimolecular complexes, under the form of oligomers, elicit the diverse biological effects observed for both GcMAF and chondroitin sulfate.

Where to Buy GcMAF Yogurt

Buy GcMAF Yogurt

Where to Buy GcMAF Capsules

Buy GcMAF Capsules

Where to Buy injectable GcMAF

Buy Japanese GcMAF

Shortcomings of Japanese GcMAF

Injectable GcMAF from Japan is manufactured by enzymatically treating filtered serum from human donors. The resulting product has three significant shortcomings.

  1. The Japanese product occasionally produces limb immobilizing pain around the injection site. This is likely due to incompatible proteins from the donors blood.
  2. Sterile filtered serum (0.22 microns) does not remove the smallest Prions (0.03 microns) that cause neurodegenerative diseases and may be transmitted in serum.
  3. The nutritional status of the donor must affect the resulting multimolecular complexes. i.e. serum deficiency of chondroitin sulfate or vitamin D will limit product effectiveness.

imuno™ has none of these shortcomings.

Known Actions of GcMAF

  1. Activates Macrophages [white blood cells] that eat cancer cells (Ruggiero M P. S., 2013 Aug 22-27).
  2. Inhibits cancer cell-induced blood supply to tumours (Pacini S M. G., 2012 Jul-Aug).
  3. Inhibits cancer cell proliferation and metastatic potential (Ruggiero M P. S., 2013 Aug 22-27).
  4. Turns cancer cells back into healthy cells [reverts phenotype] (Ruggiero M P. S., 2013 Aug 22-27).
  5. Induces apoptosis [suicide of cancer cells] (Ruggiero M P. S., 2013 Aug 22-27).
  6. Suppresses HER2 oncogene expression in human breast cancer (Ruggiero M B. J., 2014 October 6-10).
  7. Repairs and grows new human neurons [neurogenesis] (Morucci G F. M., 2013) (Smith R, 2013).
  8. Increases cellular energy [mitochondrial level] (Smith R, 2013).
  9. Normalizes endocannabinoid gene expression (Siniscalco D, 2014 April).
  10. Induces the synthesis and release of Nitric Oxide by activated macrophages (Ruggiero M G. M., 2014 Sept 18-20).
  11. Counteracts the neuronal damage induced by Oxaliplatin [Chemotherapy] (Morucci G B. J., 2015 Feb).
  12. Activates osteoclasts, which are responsible for resorption of bone (Swamy N, 2001).

Significant Scientific Articles

References supporting known actions of GcMAF

Morucci G, B. J. (2015 Feb). Gc-protein-derived macrophage activating factor counteracts the neuronal damage induced by oxaliplatin. Anti-cancer drugs, 197-209.

Morucci G, F. M. (2013). Vitamin D binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor stimulates proliferation and signalling in a human neuronal cell line. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13128/IJAE-14897.

Pacini S, M. G. (2012 Jul-Aug). Effect of paricalcitol and GcMAF on angiogenesis and human peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation and signaling. Journal of Nephrology, 577-581.

Ruggiero M, B. J. (2014 October 6-10). Glycosylated Oleic Acid/Vitamin D Binding Protein Suppresses HER2 Oncogene Expression In Human Breast Cancer. Abstracts of the 9th International Conference of Anticancer Research (pp. 5845-5847). Porto Carras, Sithonia, Greece: Anticancer Research.

Ruggiero M, G. M. (2014 Sept 18-20). Intra-tumoural nitric oxide release by macrophages activated by Gc-protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF). 68° Congresso della Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia (p. 170). Anacona: Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology.

Ruggiero M, P. S. (2013 Aug 22-27). Multifaceted immunotherapeutic effects of vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF) on human breast cancer and neuroblastoma cells. 15th International Congress of Immunology (ICI). Milan, Italy: Frontiers. Translational immunology and immune intervention.

Siniscalco D, B. J. (2014 April). The in vitro GcMAF effects on endocannabinoid system transcriptionomics, receptor formation, and cell activity of autism-derived macrophages. Journal of Neuroinflammation.

Smith R, T. L. (2013). Effects of Gc-Macrophage Activating Factor in Human Neurons; Implications for Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. American Journal of Immunology, 120-129.

Swamy N, G. S. (2001). Baculovirus-expressed vitamin D-binding protein-macrophage activating factor (DBP-maf) activates osteoclasts and binding of 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) does not influence this activity. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 535-546.

Thyer L, B. J. (2014 Oct 6-10). Clinical experience of immunotherapy based on oleic acid bound to glycosylated vitamin d-binding protein in localised and metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Anticancer Research, 5847 – 5849.